Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Story of Stuff... Bottled Water

While most of the information on this blog will be mine, I feel the need to share REALLY GOOD content when I find it. The following video is a subject I am passionate about.

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Lead generation can be a tough thing. In reality, many people confuse activity with accomplishment. You can spend a lot of time spinning your wheels, just to come up empty handed.

The key to success when prospecting is to "Fish where the fish are....".

The video below better explains what this means.

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Setting appointments... picking up the phone does not have to be so difficult!

Have you ever had a hard time picking up the telephone to call a prospect? Do not feel bad, this happens to everyone. The following video will help you to start dialing and continue earning!

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Generating endless referrals by properly networking

Having been in sales and training since 1985, I have come to realize, it is often the "Start which stops us" from becoming successful.

Have you ever heard a sales representative tell you "I can sell anyone, I just do not know where to find leads"? Perhaps you feel this way.

What if you had the ability to generate an endless amount of HIGHLY QUALIFIED leads, week after week, month after month, year after year... and you never had to buy leads or make a cold call again. Would that help you become more successful?

The video tutorial below will show you how.

Click here to sign up for our free newsletter and invitations to our FREE Webinar training series.